Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Horny Nibbler - I Heart Winter Photo Series

The other day on Lucy March's blog I got to pontificatin' about my love of Winter.  While discussing the joys of snowy country lanes and fuzzy deer I thought;  why not do a photo series? 

I'm pleased to present the "I Heart Winter" by Me.  I hope you enjoy my first piece in this series, playfully titled "Horny Nibbler". 

Horny Nibbler

Right up the road a piece (yup, that's a technical rural form of measurement) there is this eclectic little farm with an array of animals.  This fine specimen lives on aforementioned farm, and like his brethren has a penchant for escape. 

I was driving home one day when I happened upon a whole herd wandering on the road.  Luckily I had my trusty camera and I was able to get some great pics - including this one.  The snow is gently drifting down creating one of my favorite kind of days.  There is a sense of magic in the air, and I feel like I'm living in a snow globe. 

The tree my friend here is nibbling, the yard he is standing in and the house he is in front of is not where he lives.  This is the neighbor's yard.  Luckily, this particular house belongs to a family of Russian circus performers who love animals and are rarely home.  Naughty boy. ;)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bestill My Beating Heart...

So it's Valentine's Day.  Wahoo and I aren't real traditional folk.  We're proud of our 13 years of unwed bliss or as I also happily refer to it as livin' in sin.  I've called  him my Life Hostage for as long as I can remember.  We don't exchange gifts, anymore.   We just don't have that kind of relationship. 

Meeting Wahoo was a real turning point in my life.  He was the first person who really saw me.  He was also the first person I ever truly trusted.  The difference he's made in my life is incalculable.

This is a very Wahoo gift or gesture.  We got a late snowstorm on February 13th three years ago.  Wahoo had taken the dog out to play in it, but came back in later with a grin.  He asked me to look out our second story bathroom window.  I thought he wanted to show me their play prints, but found a love note instead.  :)

Wahoo's medium for this piece of artwork was snow on road.  I can not even tell you how big this was or how long it took him, but three years later it still makes my heart do funny things.

I'm not a fan of florist flowers.  LitDiva did a great post about a week ago about receiving flowers at work and the sordid implications of such a gesture.  I must say that I agree with her.  When we first met I told Wahoo if he sent me flowers I'd punch him right in the mouth.*  His reply was a simple "good to know".   

Does that mean Wahoo has never given me flowers?  No.  The flowers Wahoo brings home are hand picked wild flowers or he plants in them in our flower garden - where he tends to them for the duration of the growing season.  

I see a lot of couples use days like today to make up for the other 360 days that aren't birthdays or holidays.  They buy flowers and "romantic" gifts.  They go out to dinner and make all the right sounds and motions.  I just don't know how they do it.

I'd rather be with someone who makes sure I have a shoveled path to a cleaned off car, surprises me with snowy love notes, does the dishes because he knows I don't like to, doesn't insult my pride (and inflate his own ego) by "jumping to my rescue", tends to my flower gardens (minds out of the gutters, ladies), opens the car door for me, I can laugh with or just makes me feel like a treasure on a Wednesday in April. 

There are times I think it might be nice to cave to society's vices, but then that Wednesday in April happens and I know that I'm the luckiest damn girl in the world.

Happy V Day!

i carry your heart with me 
e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart) 
* I had a bad experience with a guy who sent me flowers.  Long story short....  I don't like gettin' flowers.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Luminate Your Winter World

I live in a rural area of Upstate NY.  Each Christmas Eve community volunteers set up luminaries on our country roads.  It's a beautiful tradition that I look forward to each year.  A few years ago I decided to place luminaries along my walk to contribute to the community's efforts.

Volunteers save up plastic gallon jugs, usually milk jugs, to set along the road side.  Instead of using plastic I decided to use recycled glass jars.  I saved up my Newman's Own sauce jars to use, but you could use any glass jar of your liking.  Jelly and jam jars come in all shapes and sizes now and would make beautiful luminaries.

I have also made luminaries out of white paper lunch sacks.  You could use any small paper sack I like to use white for it's versatility.  You can leave the paper sacks plain or decorate them.  I've done both with great results.

I like to use glass jars because you can fill them with candies.  During the Christmas holidays I've used peppermint candies.  Not only do the candies look great, but my walk smells minty, too!  On Halloween night I've used candy corn, which makes the outside of my house smell sweet.  The kids love it!

Luminaries can be done anytime of year, but I especially love them in winter.  I love seeing the flame as it lights the dark night while balancing on snow.  It's like magic.

Luminaries are also a great way to dress up your outside for special occasions such as dinner parties or cocktails, but it's great for no other reason than to add a little magic to an otherwise ordinary night.  ;)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fight like a Lady...err...girl!

"Fight like a girl" is a breast cancer campaign, and we thought we'd put our own spin on it.  Wahoo's pretty in pink to show his support for Kara, and the sign is a play on his last name.  

How many guys would don a skin tight pink shirt and allow their captor girlfriend post it around Facebook?  He rocks. :)

Thank you for keeping Kara and her family in your thoughts.  Every vibe counts!  :)


I've mentioned that I live in a rural area.  When one family faces a tragedy or adversity the shock wave affects the whole community.  It's like throwing a rock into a pond.  Those closest to the center feel it most, but those ripples work their way through the whole pond.

A few years ago I worked with a great group of folks.  We eventually went our own ways, but would see each other around.  We'd play catch up in the produce aisle or exchange greetings while passing on the street.  One of those friends is now facing breast cancer.

Kara is only 29 years old with two small daughters - 2 yrs and 7 mos.  Her husband is a great guy who worships her.  They've faced each adversity life has hurled at them head on with a smile.  They are a beautiful family, inside and out.

Kara is having a procedure done today and is asking all her friends to wear pink today.  I'm asking all my friends to THINK PINK today.  She is incredibly brave.  Just this evening she changed her Facebook status to a pic of her with her two little girls all wearing pink breast cancer t-shirts.  She wore this shirt with a beautiful smile on her face:


Honestly, I don't know if I'd be as courageous.  I'm pretty sure I'd be a big ole flippin' snotty mess.  She's my hero.  Please keep her in your thoughts today.

Any and all FGBVs, thoughts, prayers and healing energies would be gratefully accepted.  I believe in the power of The Betties. Thanks! :)