Say Anything is one of those favorites I've viewed many, many times. I think it's a great combination of Cameron Crowe and John Cusack. I'll watch anything with John Cusack, and Mr. Wahoo knows that if I find myself single John Cusack is my next boyfriend. Since John Cusack is also a Cubs fan Mr. Wahoo respects my choice.

Yeah, sure there's danger lurking right around every virtual corner, but look! A felt finger puppet of Lloyd Dobler professing his devotion by holding a boom box above his head while playing Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes".
A little morsel of movie trivia - while filming this scene John Cusack was actually playing Fishbone not the iconic Peter Gabriel song "In Your Eyes". Gotta love that imdb!
This fine felt creation is being offered for sale here on Etsy by Abby Christine. She's got some great felt finger puppets from Bob Ross to Johnny Cash flipping the bird. God, I love Etsy!
Mr. Wahoo found this video on the web and knew instantly I'd love it. How could anyone resist a puppet tribute to Lloyd Dobler? I especially love the New Yorkers as they just keep walking.
Finally, a video of Sara Bareilles covering Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes". I collect good covers of great songs and great covers of good songs. This is one of several versions of "In Your Eyes" that I have in my collection. Enjoy.
That's a great remake. Love it. We may have to fight for Cusack, though. I've always wanted to be Monique from Better Off Dead. :P
I love that song. Even though I'm not a white dress, big wedding girl I do have a string version that would be perfect for walking down the aisle music :)
Well, I still have Mr. Wahoo or I'd take you up on that fight ;)
I don't know if I have a favorite John Cusack movie.... This will take some thought :)
Ah the boom box scene. Iconic.
I've gone off men for the moment so there's one less fighting over John C.
That's probably a good thing!
@Kate - Nah. There's plenty of John Cusack to go around. However, I'm only willing to share with my fellow Betties. :)
This too shall pass, and when it does John will be waiting. ;)
I'm a Grosse Pointe Blank girl myself.
The soundtrack makes the 80's a little cooler than they were. Says a child of the 80's and teen of the 90's.
@Sarah - Me too! I had totally romanticized the 80's because my cousins were older and cool. I think the 90's were way cooler. I miss the music.
I love Grosse Pointe Blank! I just don't know if I could pick one John Cusack movie above some of my other favs.
Runaway Jury is great, Better Off Dead and One Crazy Summer are classic, Say Anything is iconic, Serendipity is dreamy, Martian Child is absolutely endearing....I could go on and on and on... :)
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