Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Wahoo

Today I am a grateful woman.  Thirty-five years ago today Wahoo was born.  Thirteen years, seven months and some days ago we met online, and my life has has grown brighter with each day since. 

Happy Birthday to the man who has made all the difference.  

Happy Birthday to the man I couldn't bare to live without.

Happy Birthday to the man who saw past the wounds and flaws.

Happy Birthday to the man who taught me love without condition.

Happy Birthday to the man who makes me feel like the only girl in the world. 

Happy Birthday to the man who become my home.

There isn't anyone else I'd rather have by my side through this journey. 

As part of my celebration I present all his many least those I can post on a blog and still look y'all in the eye. ;)

Wahoo the Musician:

Wahoo has a lot more videos.  Just double click this video if you'd like to see more.  Some are art videos.  Some are music, and some are protest videos.  

Wahoo the Artist:

Wahoo the Psycho/Funny Guy:

To celebrate his birthday he only wanted to return to the site of our first real date.  After 13 years he still finds ways to surprise me.

Finally, a few songs that Wahoo wooed me with, and then I'm off.  We're going out to hang out with good friends and celebrate the joys of life, love and happily ever after.


The Merry said...

After 13 years he still finds ways to surprise me.

Now /that/ is an encomium.

Um... I'm assuming you meant favorably surprise you? Maybe I shouldn't assume. At least you're not bored ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy to you both!

It's a Meow World said...

@The Merry - Yup, favorably. Well, at least for the most part. ;)

@Julie - Thank you! We just got home from a wonderful night out with friends and family. It could only have improved by adding a Betty or two. ;)